Artistry score* (A-Score) / Execution score* (E-Score)

4 judges
The highest and lowest scores of the A / E - judges are dropped. The remaining scores are averaged and, provided that the two middle scores are within the tolerated range indicated below, this result is the final A / E - score.
6 judges
The 2 highest and 2 lowest scores of the A / E - judges are dropped. The remaining scores are averaged and, provided that the two middle scores are within the tolerated range indicated below, this result is the final A / E - score.

Maximum deviation allowed for A- and E- scores

During the competitions, the difference between the middle scores taken into account may not be greater than:
Final score between:
              10.00  and  8.00  =  0.3
                7.99  and  7.00  =  0.4
                6.99  and  6.00  =  0.5
                5.99  and  0.00  =  0.6
If a bigger deviation than indicated above occurs, then the average of all scores is the final score.

Difficulty score* (D-Score)

2 judges
The agreed score is the final D- score.
2.0 = IM, IW, MP, TR (men), GR (men)
1.8 = TR (mixed), GR (mixed)
1.7 = TR (women), GR (women)

Difficulty Deduction ( -0.5 / per)

Difficulty Deduction will not be divided by 2

Total score

The A- score, the E- score, and D- score are added together and constitute the total score.


The deductions made by the D- Judges, the Line Judges and the Chair of Judges Panel are deducted from the total score to give the FINAL SCORE.
*    In a case where a judge fails to give a score in time or does not give a score at all, the average of the given scores will replace the missing score.

Maximum deviation between extremes

For Artistry and Execution:
In case of a deviation of 1.0 or more between the extremes, an analysis of the judges’ scores will be made after the competition and appropriate sanctions will be taken.
For Difficulty:
In principal, two judges must send one agreed score. However, in case of a disagreement between the two judges resulting in a deviation of 0.3 or more (before dividing by 2, 1.8 or 1.7), an analysis will be made after the competition and appropriate sanctions will be taken.

Inquiries of the score (see T.R. 8.4)

Inquiries are allowed only for your own federation. Inquiries for the D- Score are allowed. Inquiries for all other scores are not allowed.

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